Waste to Energy – Biomass

Municipal solid waste (MSW), often called garbage, is used to produce energy at waste-to-energy plants and landfills in the United States. MSW contains Biomass, or biogenic (plant or animal) products. Materials such as paper, cardboard, food waste, grass clippings, leaves, wood, and leather products, Nonbiomass combustible materials such as plastics and other synthetic materials made from petroleum and noncombustible materials such as glass and metals. MSW is usually burned at waste-to-energy plants that use the heat to produce steam for generating electricity or heating buildings. This fuel mixture can be very corrosive to WtE boilers.

Liquidmetal Industrial Solutions

Improves corrosion and erosion resistance in biomass and Waste to Energy plants using weld overlay to increase uptime of the plant.

Let's Work Together

If you have questions on the process or have specific needs contact us
and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.